30 Jun 2020

Ep.2 Law Talking – Stand Down

Greeenway Chambers

In this episode, the barristers of Greenway Chambers discuss recent events – the new Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 and the new statutory duty of care for construction works, two important decisions of the US Supreme Court and the investigation of and findings against Dyson Heydon QC.

In part 2, Ingmar Taylor SC, Jamie Darams and Lucy Saunders address the Uber Eats decision of the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission, and the blurred lines of the employee and independent contractor.

Lastly, Frank Hicks discusses his trip to the Ashes in 2019 with Ian Roberts.

Available to listen on Apple.
Available to listen on Spotify.
Available to listen on Google Podcasts.

Intro and end music: This Right Here by Till
Transition sounds: The Improv and Extraordinaire by DJ Quads
Produced by Greenway Chambers

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Ep.1 Law Talking - Welcome To Law Talking By Greenway Chambers

25 May 2020

Greeenway Chambers

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Design And Building Practitioners Act 2020 (NSW)

03 Jul 2020

Frank Hicks SC