02 Mar 2020

Aspects Of Chapter 3 Of The Succession Act 2006 As Considered By The NSW Court Of Appeal

Malcolm Scott

Not all eligible persons are equal

“Eligible persons” pursuant to the Act are those as described in s.57.

(1) The following are:

“eligible persons” who may apply to the Court for a family provision order in respect of the estate of a deceased person:

(a) a person who was the spouse of the deceased person at the time of the deceased person’s death,

(b) a person with whom the deceased person was living in a de facto relationship at the time of the deceased person’s death,

(c) a child of the deceased person,

(d) a former spouse of the deceased person,

(e) a person:

(i) who was, at any particular time, wholly or partly dependent on the deceased person, and

(ii) who is a grandchild of the deceased person or was, at that particular time or at any other time, a member of the household of which the deceased person was a member,

(f) a person with whom the deceased person was living in a close personal relationship at the time of the deceased person’s death.

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