

  • Bachelor of Laws (UNSW) 1991
  • Bachelor of Arts (Sydney) 1990

Bruce Taylor is a specialist commercial barrister and nationally appointed mediator with particular interests in equity, building disputes and corporations law, employment disputes and family law. He appears in Sydney courts and tribunals, and regularly works with firms and clients from the New England area, as well as the Central Coast and North Coast regions of New South Wales.

Bruce has appeared as an advocate in various NSW and NT jurisdictions in commercial litigation, employment and workplace health and safety matters. He also appears in criminal proceedings and has acted in the past for the Department of Public Prosecutions NT, Legal Aid and North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA).

Bruce has held several roles outside of his work as a barrister. These include acting as a procurement and governance consultant to the Royal Australian Air Force, as well as being appointed statutory manager of the Groote Eylandt Aboriginal Trust by the NT Attorney General. He has also been a councillor for the Law Society of the Northern Territory, and is a Nationally Accredited Mediator.

Bruce accepts briefs to advise and appear in commercial and employment contract disputes, equity matters including estate and probate, and disputes under the Family Law Act. He has recently appeared in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, and has advised and appeared in coronial inquiries. Bruce also has Chambers in Newcastle.


  • Commercial litigation
  • Contract disputes
  • Corporations Law
  • Equity, including Estate disputes
  • Inquests and Commissions
  • Family Law
  • Building disputes
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution – Commercial and Family Law Mediator


We accept briefs in all areas of commercial practice and in our barristers' other areas of practice. For further information or advice on our barristers and their availability, fees and areas of practice please contact our Front of House team.

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